April Holocaust Remembrance

April Holocaust Remembrance

14:04 17 April in Special Holiday Programming

Holocaust remembrance day

Holocaust Story: Scattered Seeds

Tuesdays and Fridays @ 8:30 AM
Monday, April 24th @ 2:30 PM

Interviews with Holocaust survivors who, as children, hid from the Nazis during World War II.


Book Lust with Nancy Pearl: Author David Laskin

Tuesdays @ 10:00 AM and Thursdays @ 2:30 PM

Nancy Pearl sits down with David Laskin about his latest book, The Family: Three Journeys Into the Heart of the Twentieth Century. David Laskin is a well known nonfiction writer and frequent contributor to the N.Y. Times. Nancy Pearl talks with David about what it was like writing something more personal compared to his other work.


Holocaust Story: The Locket

Fridays @ 6:00 PM
Monday, April 24th @ 10:30 AM

The story of one Jewish family living in Germany in the 1930s, and how some of the family escaped, while others stayed behind and were killed by the Nazis. Presented at the St. Louis International Film Festival, 2004.

Classic Movie: The Stranger (1946)

Thursday, April 17th & April 27th @ 9:00 PM
Sunday, April 23rd & April 30th  @ 3:30 PM
Monday, April 24th @ 9:30 PM

In Orson Welles classic movie, The Strange, the Holocaust is featured. Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, author of The Holocaust As Seen Through Film provides some additional insights with his introduction and concluding remarks on the film.

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