Future Talk Literacy in the Age of Google

Future Talk Literacy in the Age of Google

23:05 20 May in News

What does it mean to be literate in the age of the Internet? Most of us depend on the computer to provide most of our information about the world, but many people still have difficulty accessing this information quickly and efficiently. What skills are needed to become a “power searcher” on the Web, and how can these skills be strengthened?

In this episode, Google research scientist Daniel Russell will provide answers to these questions. Daniel’s job is to study how people search for and organize their information, and then use that knowledge to improve Google’s search quality and the overall satisfaction of its users.

Daniel Russell has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Rochester in New York, and his previous work experience includes Xerox Parc, where the graphical user interface was invented, and the Advanced Technology Group at Apple, where he wrote the first 100 pages of Apple’s website. His knowledge of Google search is such that experienced users and novices alike can derive practical benefit from what he has to say.


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