Presidents’ Day Special Programming

Presidents’ Day Special Programming

19:37 19 February in Special Holiday Programming

presidents day special line up 2017

Chatting with History: George Washington

Listen as George Washington recounts his life from the time of his childhood until his death. Learn about the Revolutionary War and his presidency. Hear him talk about the Declaration of Independence, that he and the founding fathers are not happy with the current state of our politics and that if you seek to hold the highest office in the land — his office– you better know where the “shot heard ’round the world” was first fired!

Chatting with History: Teddy Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt talk about his childhood, early family politics and his ascendancy to the Presidency. Learn about his political career, cowboy days and military accomplishments with the Rough Riders. Hear him describe the political climate of his day, which was not unlike the political climate of today with regard to the wealthy. Teddy having tells us about his domestic policies, best known as the Square Deal, and his foreign policy including the building of the Panama Canal. Listen as he tells you about his working with Congress and later, forming the Progressive Party. Hear him recount his hunting expeditions and exploration. Learn about his final years and his legacy.

US National Archives: The President Book of Secrets

On May 31st, 2016 US National Archives streamed a presentation by author, David Priess, on his recent book The President’s Book of Secrets: The Untold Story of Intelligence Briefings to America’s Presidents from Kennedy to Obama. David goes through the origins of the “Book” starting with President Kennedy to its recent iteration by President Obama.

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