My Fandom’s Not Dead Yet!

My Fandom’s Not Dead Yet!

03:30 11 October in News

Science & Sci Fi Saturdays

Saturdays @ 6:00 PM

This month’s episode of Sci Fi Fandom is from a panel discussion from ARISHIA conference.

Face it – your show’s canceled and it’s not coming back. There’s not going to be a sequel to that movie. It’s dead, Jim! So how do you keep the fandom alive? Does the release of new merchandise and the re-issued super collector’s edition DVD mean there’s still hope for more? Would you accept comic book, novels, or a “Battlestar Galactica” – style “reimagining” instead? Does it ever become time to just move on? (Heresy!) Panel members: Daniel Miller, Victoria Janssen, Cynthia A. Shettle, Melissa Honig, and James Zavaglia discuss.

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